Laura + Iain | Lichfield Registry Office and Netherstowe House

Laura and Iain were married the last week of June on what was a baking hot Monday at Lichfield Registry Office.
Although now living in Bristol, Laura is originally from the area so similar to Rachael it was like coming home…
I always quite enjoy working at Lichfield Registry Office, but the real highlight for me came when we got to Netherstowe House – a venue steeped in more character than I think I’ve ever seen; it really is like stepping back in time to the 1940’s – awesome!
I already shared a taster with you all a few days ago, but now here is more of a story for you – make sure you scroll through and let me know what you think in the comments section below!!

Ready to do this?

Let’s chat!

I’d love to hear your plans for your day, and if you have something a little more offbeat or unusual in mind, count me in. Create a festival atmosphere, end your evening with an Irish Ceilidh or say your vows on a mountain in Wales – from fun-loving to adventurous, give me a call to talk about your wedding photography.