Kanas Family Portrait | Baby Portrait Photography

Georgina + Simon have become good friends of mine since I had the pleasure of photographing their wedding at Weston Park back in a very wet July 2007.
Georg and Si were blessed with a gorgeous new addition to the family earlier this year, Tommy O’Connor.
The 1st Novemeber was the first opportunity we’d managed to get together and I went over to their lovely cottage in Penn complete with the camera and got some great shots of the little man.
Here are a few of my favourites – hope you like them. Can’t wait to hear what Georg and Si think of the photos, and can’t wait to get feedback from their family when they receive the custom Christmas Cards :)

Ready to do this?

Let’s chat!

I’d love to hear your plans for your day, and if you have something a little more offbeat or unusual in mind, count me in. Create a festival atmosphere, end your evening with an Irish Ceilidh or say your vows on a mountain in Wales – from fun-loving to adventurous, give me a call to talk about your wedding photography.