Eleni + Kyri | Greek Engagement Leicester

Eleni and Kyri are getting married next year in Birmingham and their gorgeous engagement celebration was on the 25th October. We had a fantastic time Abbey Park and thankfully we avoided the rain and then we headed to the Leicester Marriot for the ceremony and reception. I love photographing Greek Engagements and when working with such an amazing couple as Eleni and Kyri it really is awesome!

Here is just a little taster of a few of the photos from the day, more will follow later this week!

Ready to do this?

Let’s chat!

I’d love to hear your plans for your day, and if you have something a little more offbeat or unusual in mind, count me in. Create a festival atmosphere, end your evening with an Irish Ceilidh or say your vows on a mountain in Wales – from fun-loving to adventurous, give me a call to talk about your wedding photography.