Calderfields Wedding Photographers
Beautiful Summer Wedding Photographs at Calderfields Golf and Country Club
It’s funny how it can often be months or even years between visiting both churches and venues, even when they’re on your doorstep. Before Lisa + Scott’s wedding, it had been four years since I had been to St Marks Church. And even longer since I’d been to Calderfields! However, Lisa + Scott’s fabulous day certainly made up for it!!
I met Lisa + Scott a few months ago when they were bringing the plans together for their wedding, and with a combined coverage with myself and my father from Barry James Photography, I knew with weather on our side it would be a lot of fun…and lady luck was with us!
My coverage of Lisa + Scott’s Calderfields Wedding started with morning preparations of Lisa and the girls in the capable hands of Rachel Bourne and Rebecca Bissell just a short drive from our studio.
With the house full of Lisa + Scott’s children, including two-year-old Chase who was set on stealing the show, there was no shortage of moments to capture…
This moment of Chase as the girls were getting into their dresses really made me smile!
As Jake headed to the church with the boys, it was time for our bride to get into her dress from Celebrity…
Always a favourite moment…the grand reveal to the waiting Father of the Bride!
As the finishing touches were being brought into place to head to the church in the waiting Horse and Carriage, Les from Barry James was capturing the Groomsmen at church ahead of the ceremony…
Arriving in some style…
Having two photographers always provides another dimension to capturing the story, especially with the dual angle during the church ceremony…
Upon leaving the church, there was time for the obligatory family group photographs before the guests had the chance to bombard our couple with confetti on the way to the waiting Horse and Carriage…
After the couple had made their journey to Calderfields, it was time to head off in the waiting buggy to the stunning lakeside for portraits… I could not have asked for more perfect conditions!
I’ve always loved the character in the woodland by the lake at Calderfields, with the opportunities for creative photographs with the beautiful diffused light, adding to the setting perfectly.
As the clouds and showers were coming in the timing couldn’t have been more perfect, as we headed into the wedding breakfast…
Following the fabulous wedding breakfast, it was time for the speeches…which with a ‘lively’ crowd was always set to be fun! :)
After a couple of minutes outside with Lisa + Scott, it was tie to capture the guests enjoying the start of a great evening reception!
Love how these ladies couldn’t wait to get the party started!!
What a night! Lisa + Scott, you certainly have a collection of friends and family who know how to have a great time!! Loved every second with you all!
Alas, as fun as the night was, my coverage came to an end…but it was only right to head out and create a couple of nighttime portraits to conclude the story…
Lisa + Scott, thank you for entrusting the capturing of your story to myself and my father from Barry James.
We had the best time with you all and loved creating your story. Truly cannot wait to bring the album together with you now in time for Christmas!
To get in touch with us to talk about your Walsall Wedding Photography or indeed to discuss the possibility of us being your Calderfields Wedding Photographers, please do get in touch as below.
Contact Calderfields Wedding Photographers Stuart James : : 0800 331 7741 : 07834 978905
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