Alex + Paul | St Marys Uttoxeter + The Bank House

On Tuesday I had a very strange phonecall asking me if I was available to photograph a wedding THIS Saturday!! My some miracle I was available and could help Alex + Paul out of their predicament!
I found out from talking to Alex that they had actually booked a photographer 9 months before the wedding and been let down by them just 5 days before the wedding – this is totally awful behaviour and it makes me very sad and also angry that someone within the industry that I love could behave like that without even an apology…

I was really happy to be able to help Alex and Paul out and their lovely wedding was at St Marys Church, Uttoxeter and the Bank House Hotel.
I hadn’t photographed a wedding in Uttoxeter for a couple of years and it was great to be back.
To make the most of the day I also shot with D3 and 5DmarkII side by side for much of the day and love the results!

Ready to do this?

Let’s chat!

I’d love to hear your plans for your day, and if you have something a little more offbeat or unusual in mind, count me in. Create a festival atmosphere, end your evening with an Irish Ceilidh or say your vows on a mountain in Wales – from fun-loving to adventurous, give me a call to talk about your wedding photography.