Someone very important to me has this month moved to Swansea to start studying a degree in Performing Arts. I took a chance on trying to rebuild previously burnt bridges and yesterday went down to visit and thankfully I think I made the right decision as I really think things could be about to improve between us greatly…
I’m hoping I’ll be able to get down to see her quite frequently but we’ll see… I also took my little Lumix with me when I went down and grabbed I few shots whilst I was there.
Sometimes it’s good to take a chance on something that feels right and I hope that’s something that’s happened here. If so I think I might have to get a Railcard :o)
Visiting someone very special in Swansea

Ready to do this?
Let’s chat!
I’d love to hear your plans for your day, and if you have something a little more offbeat or unusual in mind, count me in. Create a festival atmosphere, end your evening with an Irish Ceilidh or say your vows on a mountain in Wales – from fun-loving to adventurous, give me a call to talk about your wedding photography.